Federation Of Student Islamic Societies
“Hold fast to the rope of Allah, All of you together, and be not disunited” (3:103)
"They are those who pray, “our lord! Bless us with pious spouses and offspring who will be the joy of our hearts, and make us models for the righteous." - Surah Furqan verse 74
“Imagine how many devotees fought along with their prophets and never faltered despite whatever losses they suffered in the cause of Allah, nor did they weaken or give in! Allah loves those who persevere.” - Surah Imran verse 146
Faith Inspired Activism
“Indeed those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them are the Gardens of Pleasure” - Surah Luqman verse 8
Some of the most groundbreaking leaders in the world of politics and Muslim activism are FOSIS alumni
I feel incredibly honoured and blessed to have been able to lead the Believe and Do Good (BADG) campaign for two organisations – FOSIS and MABY - that are both very close to my heart. Working closely with BADG representatives (aiding and uniting them, and seeing them use their incredible talents to proactively contribute to a better society through the different acts of good) reminded me daily of why I joined these organisations in the first place.
FOSIS has been a valued Member Organisation of FEMYSO since the inception of the European body. Throughout the decades, we have closely witnessed the great impact of FOSIS on Muslim students and wider society in the UK and Ireland. We have been part of a mutually beneficial relationship, where members of the FOSIS network have participated at FEMYSO activities, and delegations of young European Muslims attend the FOSIS conferences and participate in initiatives such as the Believe And Do Good campaign. We look forward to carrying and building on this successful partnership, working towards a more diverse, cohesive, and vibrant Europe.
FOSIS is an important organisation in the development of young leaders.FOSIS is a platform where bright minds and talents come together to benefit the student community and beyond. It has been great to see those young leaders pave the way for the future and support the work of our organisations.
FOSIS does a lot for the Muslim youth of the UK, but as the umbrella body of Islamic Societies in the UK, the most important service that FOSIS provides is the ability for us to unlock the power of unity.
Here at Charity Week we know our brothers and sisters at FOSIS are there to help us implement our shared vision not just in the field of charity but beyond it too.